Gum Diseases and Dental Care

Gum Diseases and Dental Care

Gum problems are common to many of us. Every time there is a gum problem, people tend to take an antibiotic for bacterial infection. This habit creates complications because it becomes antibiotic resistant. A biofilm present in the mouth allows the infection to sustain. Once the biofilm is established, antibiotics cannot treat the infection.

Pyorrhea or gum disease is a biofilm disease. Many people suffer from this disease across the world. There is a course of the treatment for this disease and one has to complete it. If you are undergoing treatment, then you have to stick to the treatment plan. If you stop taking medicines before the treatment is complete, the infection will spread due to the biofilm.

There are a number of ways to treat the diseased biofilm. A regular cleaning exam is done and then Piezo Scaler or Ultrasonic is used. It is a method of spraying water that disrupts the biofilm protecting the bacteria to enable treatment of the infection. However, you have to remember that there is a healthy biofilm that protects good bacteria.

It is important to regularly check up with a dentist to maintain a complete oral hygiene. A dentist Surrey can help you in treating periodontal or gum disease.

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